Peppermint Chocolate Soursop Gummies

Recipe Contribution by Chef James Barry
Follow Chef James on Instagram here
½ cup filtered milk (or alternative dairy of choice)
1 Scoop Soursop Chocolate Shake Mix
¼ tsp peppermint extract
1 Tablespoon gelatin powder

Add all the ingredients to a small pot. Place the pot on the stovetop over low heat. Allow the liquid to heat up, but not boil. Use a whisk to ensure liquid is well blended. About 2 minutes.
If using molds, pour mixture carefully into mold cavities.
If using a glass dish, pour the entire mixture into the container. The smaller the container, the thicker the gummies will be.
Place into the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes or until completely set. Enjoy!
For a limited time, when you order a variety pack of shakes, receive the Owl Mold for FREE!